Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today was mostly spent doing some research to help prepare for a class orientation next week. The teacher provided a copy of the assignment, allowing for some very specific information to help the students. The databases to be suggested for use by the students are mostly the usual ones that the library promotes. I was looking for ones that they may not promote as much that may be of use. One database in particular will be useful to one of the subjects, EBSCO's GreenFILE. Though, I think that this project may be more of a test to see how well I can search for certain information rather than what will be presented to the students. It was good practice anyway.

I also spent a little time at the reference desk. I was able to answer a couple of questions this time. The first one I had almost figured out where the information was before the Librarian came over for the assist. It was just finding information on scholarships. I just went to wrong spot first (the school's financial aid department) and was about to go to the right spot on the second shot (the Library's Internet Resources page).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I just started an internship at Southwestern College in Chula Vista. I am supposed to write a log about my experience there for my 294 class on the D2L site, but I think it will be good to write about it here first. Not only to keep it in fresh in my mind, but to help me get used to making regular posts.

Yesterday was mostly just an introduction and orientation of the Library and the Campus. I did get to look through the Booklist catalog to select books for purchase. The hard part is that there were not a lot of academic books listed (it is mostly filled with fiction), then there is looking to see if the books listed match what is needed for the school. I was then able to sit in on a class orientation for researching information on war. It started off as a presentation on just controversial issues and was changed to war just before the orientation started. There were several other "on-the-fly" changes that had to be made during the orientation that served as a great example of how a librarian has to be able to handle these orientations.

Today was mostly spent learning how to operate the online reference service (QuestionPoint) that the library uses. It was mostly straight forward, but there were a few things that could have caused problems without any instructions. I also sat in on a Webinar hosted by the ALA to help libraries understand 10 rules for Web design. Namely, to keep things simple, how to get feed back, and how little things can make a big difference. It was nice to see that the Designing class (251) taught almost everything that was covered in the Webinar. The only thing not covered was the creation of multiple personas for the librarian to use to test out a design. That one made little sense to me.